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Cover Image (You can’t read now, I’m only still testing)

A Science Fiction Novel by Silvi Simberg

Second Edition

Web Edition

Oathfeed Publishing 2024


Prologue: An Untitled Letter

Chapter One: A Cup of Fumes

Chapter Two: Silver White

Chapter Three: Jolie Rouge

Chapter Four: The Titan

Chapter Five: The Keep

Chapter Six: The Pits

Chapter Seven: Second Wind

Chapter Eight: Saved from the Sea

Chapter Nine: A Family of One

Chapter Ten: I Could Leave

Chapter Eleven: Temple Guardians

“Out of the blue, a beautiful fruit once fell onto my lap. My first instinct was not to bite into it, but to gift it to someone I loved.” – – – Father
Dear Eysin,
it was a pleasure to meet you. You are a fierce soul, and you are also
gentle. The balance you keep is a pleasant spectacle. I recall all our days were spent well.
We had many pleasant conversations and meditations. If I have any
regrets – it is that we did not record any of them. May our meditations
return to you when you need them most – as one did for me tonight, which propelled me to write this letter.
It was good to see the colour returning to your face. And your laughter
elevates like the pirate folk songs. It is only natural, that you get from them your rhythm – you must one day investigate the matter of your documents, for I found out they were not forged, they were reconstructed.
I did not wish to pull you into these Eesian affairs – a dark period has
begun, and we expect war and instability. The heads that loom in Reval,
groups forming and growing in size, again and again. Every time we tried to take them down, and every time we succeeded in doing so – another came in place. One ugly force that has successfully adapted against our pressures every time and will successfully evade or surpass us in the future.
I am not sure whether we are any longer in any position to try to keep
Reval safe. There is another beating seed, cancer, growing on our Tree

of Life – and should it be so curious, that the cancer is not caused by our alien friends, but by the sickest men of our kind? The worms seem wiser than the men – but maybe it’s simply so because their brains cannot be poisoned like ours.
You must reach out to a man called Vinu Laos – he knows of you, and
he should be expecting you. You learned my code well – you have shown that you understand how it works – and by judging your character, I am confident that in time you will sort out what needs to be sorted out for your own good, and that you can be trusted to make good decisions with what I have entrusted to you.
I have made sure you have a place to go in Perona. Just so you wouldn’t
feel pressurised to take the other option – but I’d like you to join EESO.
They will teach you everything to prepare you to live in the world that
comes – and maybe you can teach them something, too.
Maybe you can be a good example of the kind of person that is capable
of surviving in the world that comes. Carry our meditations with you,
and maybe share them with others. You could be a person who will help
others – those you’ll come to consider as family and friends. I do feel a
little bitter for not being a friend for you for a little longer – but what I
do must be done, and after this – I’m out.
The plan was a little rushed, so I am sorry if it went off the rails and
caused you any inconvenience.
Finally, whatever you choose to do with your life next, I wish you all the
best and trust your decisions will eventually lead you to a life worth living.