Arkion Atelbaer

The male protagonist of Eysin ACE 303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire, 304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*, makes several appearances in ACE 301 – Not Quite the Gladiator.

301 – Not Quite the Gladiator

The reader encounters Arkion in the first chapter as he and Hel who were out at Bearworld harvesting beads from a small worm, were late to an escort mission because their Amphicar got mauled by a large bear.

Later Arkion teaches Eysin how to wrestle in his anonymous zerked form, during which Eysin copies his zerk’s and framework’s settings hoping to activate her suit that way – without his knowledge. Eysin copies more than the settings, though – she also gains access to Arkion’s large weapons’ template program called “The Arsenal” – weapons he has gained in his travels or numerous Terratorium contests, as well as gifts from teachers and students alike.

Arkion is at one point smoking in the Temple’s field-simulator (a smaller scaled “Terratorium”) and gives a pep talk to Raynar’s Terratorium team.

During a carnival during which EESO participants march over the land-bridge between Osel and Ceremony (Dagö’s name at the time), Arkion pulls a wooden cart and offers paper cups filled with warm tea to anyone who wishes.

When the 301 year Terratorium event is ongoing on Ceremony (Dagö), Arkion is in trouble with a drunk and flirty Agnes and invites Eysin to rescue him. Once Arkion sent Agnes to her hotel room, he returned to the park, as he had offered to Eysin to drive her back to Osel.

On their way back they stop in the middle of the water, as Arkion spotted a small ship and a few people doing something suspicious. He detects Daegan and some Nord marines, and decides to follow them to an island, and interrogates Daegan.

After the semi-finals of the Terratorium, when the “Titan Implosion” sends a blastwave all over Ceremony, he knocks down a piece of roof which could have cut Agnes in two. In the dusty fog he follows Eysin and a distressed magnetic Daegan to the docks, where Daegan poisons and throws Eysin into the water (she is incapable of swimming), and Arkion opts to rescue her instead of following Daegan.

After Sylrissa drove them back to Osel Temple so Eysin cold recover from the poison, Arkion sticks around until the morning – they go to a birdwatching tower nearby and watch the misty sunrise, then kisses Eysin good-bye, and leaves the Temple to meet with the Baltikons and head to Siberia.

Arkion and Eysin start a letter correspondence.

303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire

After losing a good friend and a fellow-baltikon Martin to a strange accident in Cannon Siberia, Arkion returns to the Balts. Before returning to Oeselia, they travel through a Reval in revolt to help out Valen Rozenbaer with relocating away from the terrorist revolution.

Arkion meets Eysin during the Fall Lockdown, for which both have opted to join Imogen’s mansion. Arkion and Eysin engage in deep conversation, enjoy the festival, eat and drink, and eventually escape the mansion to try to get some private time on a quest to find the Marzipan apples near the lighthouse.

Throughout the first third of the book Arkion attempts to escape Valen’s requests to join them after the lockdown going to the Tree of Lif (and Gotland), but he doesn’t want to face her, because when he did in Reval, Valen was overly flirty with him.

Eventually persuaded to join an opportunity to nick a two or three more Kraken ships for EESO. Shortly after the lockdown Akion begins onboarding Olive, they meet Martin’s family.

Arkion inteds to marry Eysin, and makes it clear before they all leave to their various missions on Tree of Lif. In Vegas Madrugada they have another deep conversation that changes how they think.

Arkion sneaks to Alexander’s bedroom in the Tree of Lif because he is trying to confirm that Alexander is not “the red man” who killed his brother Arthur. Arkion and Alexander have a few conversations as they scout the prospects on the sea and crack some jokes.

Arkion and the Baltikons successfully reach the target Kraken, but I’m not gonna spoil from this point on, for now.

304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*


Eysin ACE 301 303 - Arkion Atelbaer - a highly skilled combatant in EESO, the captain of the EESO Balticons, also hobby botanist and weapons collector;


Arrichion Atelbaer

Arunasur (stage name)


270 January
Dorpat, The Baltic Kingdom

Guilds and Operations Affiliations

  • EESO – Gladiator Guild (curator)
  • EESO – Baltikons (chief)
  • EESO – Typhoon Division
  • EESO – Kraken Scorpio Division
  • EESO – Cannon Siberia Expedition Division #3
  • EESO – Reval Basin operation
  • The Black Rain – exchange curator
  • Rozenbaer Security – security counselling
  • Private/Atelbaer family military education
  • Vegas Madrugada Sea Market Society
  • Octagon Champion (289)
  • Terratorium Champion (292)
  • Nords announced a bounty on his head (298)

Zerk, Weapons & Devices

  • The Arsenal (weapons collection)
  • Kaestus
  • Amphicar
  • Spirulina Tank
  • Moth Swarm (father suit, 304)
  • Round Table Token: Granny’s Pipe


  • Shift
  • Eesian Magnetics Master
  • Martial Arts Master
  • Vialence

Factions & Geopolitics

Technologies & Ecologies

Notable events
