Bartel Atelbaer

A male character in Eysin ACE 301 – Not Quite the Gladiator, 303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire, 304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

301 – Not Quite the Gladiator

Bartel introduces himself to Eysin and gives her some advice around Terratorium. He is a zerker from Ceremony/Brotherhood.

303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire

Bartel helps his brother run the mansion lockdown.

Sylrissa explains that Bartel and her are set to marry, and that he played a large role in busting her out from trouble at Reval.

Bartel saves Atlas’ crew by option to transition into a navigator for the Kraken, willing to suffer an excruciating shock and a delay to his and Sylrissa’s engagement plans.

304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

Eysin ACE 301 303 - Bartel Atelbaer from Oeselia/Dagö, a Brotherhood sargeant and later a navigator


Bartel Atelbaer


275 June
Dagö, Baltic Kingdom

Guilds, Schools, and Organization Affiliations

  • Sargeant in The Brotherhood
  • Octagon Champion (295)
  • Terratorium Champion (297)
  • EESO – Kraken Scorpio Division
  • EESO – Typhoon Division (stowaway)
  • Vegas Madrugada Sea Market Society

Zerk, Weapons & Devices

  • Kaestus
  • Various Polearms


  • ???

Factions & Geopolitics

Technologies & Ecologies

Notable events