
A female character in Eysin ACE 303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire, 304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

301 – Not Quite the Gladiator

Does not appear in 301.

303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire

Clarissa comes knocking on Eysin’s door once she detected Arkion may have escaped into it.

She is the security chief for the Rozenbaer family.

Clarissa tags along for the first part of Eysin’s and Arkion’s illegal trek outside and helps Jarre and Raynar catch the Lith raiders.

Clarissa joins the others helping evacuate the Tree of Lif and helps keep the Navigator girls safe.

During Eysin’s “Departure” Clarissa is revealed to have a fear of fainting, and a bit of her backstory from Reval – from a noble family herself, she started the warpath to displease her father.

304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

Eysin ACE 301 303 - Clarissa from Upper Reval, chief of Rosenbaer Personal Security
Eysin ACE 301 303 – Clarissa from Upper Reval, chief of Rosenbaer Personal Security




276 November
Higher Reval, Baltic Kingdom

Guilds, Schools, and Organization Affiliations

  • Rozenbaer Family personal security (chief)

Zerk, Weapons & Devices

  • ???


  • ???

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