Theogenes Atelbaer

A male character in Eysin ACE 301 – Not Quite the Gladiator, 303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire, 304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

301 – Not Quite the Gladiator

Theogenes Atelbaer comes up in a few reveries and references around Vinu or about the mission to Cannon Siberia – where he has already gone right after he made a silly clown show out of getting elected to be the King (he refused to job).

303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire

Theogenes is managing some engineers and scientists in Cannon Siberia. He is on a mission to “find the architect”.

304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

Eysin ACE 301 303 - Theogenes Atelbaer - the Balts Council favourite pick for a king turned adventurer researching The Cannon Siberia, former Grand Admiral of EESO


Theogenes Atelbaer


244 March
Osel, The Baltic Kingdom

Guilds, Schools, and Organization Affiliations

  • EESO (Grand Admiral)
  • Candidate for Balt King
  • Cannon Siberia Expedition Chief

Zerk, Weapons & Devices

  • TBD


  • TBD

Factions & Geopolitics

Technologies & Ecologies

Notable events