Eysin Ravana

The female protagonist of Eysin ACE 301 – Not Quite the Gladiator, 303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire, 304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

301 – Not Quite the Gladiator

Eysin Ravana escaped Perona as a young adult after the house she was sitting (as in house-sitting) was to be raided by the Maraca Pirates (via which, as Arkion notes during a conversation in 303, that he and Eysin could have met much earlier had she joined the Scorpio Kraken the Maracas were using at the time).

Eysin moved to Reval where she joined a corporation and stated an underground information operation, the black market magazine “The Red Flag” with Erika Thompson and several others.

Kicked out from the operation due to a different sense of mission and getting herself targetted for exclusive harassment, and about to leave Reval in the middle of the night in a dark street at the city’s border, she met Andre who smuggled her into Upper Reval where she became his student, learning programming, philosophy of science and risk logic.

Andre, knowing he was about to be murdered, handed a keepsake to Eysin for her to take it out from Reval and return to living in Perona. The keepsake resurrected Eysin after a gunshot to the heart, thus, becoming a human with Eesian Integration.

Koi Jr from the Black Rain initiated her because his mission was to help Eysin escape the mess in Upper Reval and bring her to Vinu Laos stationed at a military camp near one of the Reval’s abandoned Immigrant Districts. Eysin survived the integration and moved to EESO.

At EESO she contemplated joining various guilds and activities and ended up training with playful gladiators and participating in an Oeselian tournament in Dagö, called Terratorium.

Surviving a terrorist attack on the Terratorium after one of the semi-finals, Eysin meets the love of her life – Arkion Atelbaer – who has to leave for Siberia right the next morning.

Eysin finishes resurrecting a Titan so Imogen can use it to defend it against robbers who have figured out how to create an “umbrella” to shield themselves from the lockdown-duration Swarm danger.

303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire

After a letter and radio call correspondence with Arkion in Siberia, they meet again in 303, have a small adventure outside under the umbrella while the rest of the world are celebrating their lockdown, and head to help out with pulling EESO units out from The Tree of Lif.

After a mild psychedelic trip, testing out her third armring “Angelchrome”, and a long conversation with Alexander Laos in the streets and channels of Tree of Lif during which he refers to Eysin as Iron Raven – a translation of her name, she reaches a kind of enlightenment which helps her and others pull out from Lif in one piece. Almost.

304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*


Eysin Ravana holding broken Specs


Eysin Ravana
Jolie Rouge (295)

Eisen Raven, Iron Raven (303)
Eysin Atelbaer (303)


274 December
Perona, The Baltic Kingdom

Guilds, Schools, and Organization Affiliations

  • The Red Flag
  • EESO – Temple guild (Scribe Apprentice)
  • EESO – Gladiator guild (Private)
  • EESO – Swarm Observatory (Researcher)
  • Brotherhood – Lance Arts (Apprentice)
  • RESO – Andre’s study group (Programming Apprentice, Philosophy of Science)

Zerk, Weapons & Devices

  • Framework: Sky Shaman
  • Kaestus
  • Blindside
  • Sisyphus (an improvised form of Blindside)
  • Angelchrome
  • Specs
  • Moth Swarm (mother suit, 304)


  • Simulacron or Copy (Kaestus)
  • Decryption/Encryption (Kaestus)
  • Umbrella (Blindside)
  • Reverse-Umbrella* (Sisyphus/Blindside)
  • Extraction (Kaestus)
  • Departure (Angelchrome crowd control)

Factions & Geopolitics

Technologies & Ecologies

Notable events
