Lake Blue Cloisonné

Lake Blue Cloisonné is a type of enamelware made by fusing powdered glass to a metal substrate, typically copper. The glass composition includes silica (SiO₂), lead oxide (PbO), and various metal oxides for coloring. The process involves intricate metalwork and repeated firings to achieve vibrant colors and patterns.
Lake Blue Cloisonné beads are made from enamel, a material created by fusing powdered glass to a substrate through high heat. The term “cloisonné” refers to the process of creating decorative designs using metal strips to create compartments (cloisons) filled with enamel.

The term “Cloisonné” is derived from the French word “cloison,” meaning “partition” or “compartment,” referring to the metal strips used to create the design. Alternative names include “Enamel Cloisonné” and “Chinese Cloisonné,” highlighting its origins and method.

Cloisonné has been an esteemed art form in China since the Ming Dynasty. It was considered a luxury item, symbolizing wealth and status. In Chinese culture, blue cloisonné represents the sky and sea, embodying tranquility and vastness.

Cloisonné production began in the Middle East and was later refined in China during the Ming Dynasty. Today, cloisonné is primarily produced in China, where craftsmen create intricate designs using copper strips and enamel. The process involves multiple stages of firing, polishing, and detailing to produce beads and decorative items.
