
Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine with the chemical formula Al₂SiO₄(F,OH)₂. It forms in igneous rocks such as pegmatites and rhyolites, as well as in hydrothermal veins. The crystals grow in the presence of fluorine-rich vapors during the final stages of crystallization of igneous rocks. The color variations in the mineral are due to the presence of trace impurities such as iron, chromium, and titanium, which can produce colors ranging from colorless to blue, green, yellow, brown, pink, and red.

The name “Topaz” comes from the ancient Greek word “Topazios,” an island in the Red Sea. Alternatively, the name is derived from the Greek word “topazion,” which may have originated from the Sanskrit word “tapas,” meaning “fire.” This name likely refers to the gem’s fiery appearance in certain colors. Alternative names include “Imperial Topaz” for the golden-yellow to pinkish-red varieties and “Mystic Topaz” for the coated, iridescent version.

Topaz has been valued for centuries for its beauty and mystical properties. Ancient Egyptians believed it was colored by the glow of the sun god Ra, while in the Middle Ages, the Romans, it was believed to dispel enchantments and improve eyesight. In Hindu mythology, the mineral was considered one of the sacred stones in the Kalpa Tree, believed to bring longevity, beauty, and intelligence. Some African tribes used it in rituals to establish contact with the spirit world.

Topaz has been mined for centuries, with early notable sources including the Ouro Preto mines in Brazil and the Ural Mountains in Russia. Historically, it was used in various cultural and religious artifacts, including the crowns and jewelry of royalty.
Today, it is mined in several countries, including Brazil, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States. The mining process often involves open-pit mining and tunnel mining, followed by washing and sorting to separate the mineral.

After extraction, topaz crystals are cleaned, cut, and polished. The most valuable and clear pieces are used for high-end jewelry, while more common or flawed crystals are often cut into beads. Sometimes treated with heat or irradiation to enhance or change its color, especially to produce blue topaz from colorless or pale topaz.