Valen Rozenbaer

An Antagonist of Eysin ACE 303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire, 304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*

301 – Not Quite the Gladiator

Does not make an appearence.

303 – Uncharted Consequences of Borrowed Desire

Valen is accepted as a guest and a performer to Imogen’s Mansion for the duration of the Fall Lockdown Festival.

Valen escapes from a terrorised Reval with the help of The Black Rain (who are also escaping Reval) and Arkion’s passing Balticons.

During one of the lockdown evenings, Valen performs her musical play on stage.

Valen is persistently trying to get in touch with Arkion after they make it to Dagö (Ceremony), but he keeps evading her, and she is right in suspecting it might have something to do with her welcoming kiss back at her home in Reval.

During their incidental contact, Valen makes several attempts to discourage Eysin from interacting with Arkion.

When Arkion finally has no choice but to hear her out, Valen reveals that she has mixed herself into Black Rain and Navigator Guild schism business, and is trying to get two underaged girls to Gotland, so they can escape being hunted by the darker side of the broken guild.

Valen gives up the girls, but follows Leonard and Kamille to the Tree of Lif, as she had been invited to a round table meeting by a new pact that is being formed behind the backs of the elders.

Valen has an ambition to gain for herself the Capricorn Kraken as a reward for helping Lily and Pond reach freedom. Arkion discourages her from pursuing it, and eventually EESO’s plans override all of her own anyway. Valen ends up returning to Osel after the war breaks out at Tree of Lif.

Rozenbaer has two children – girls of her own and secretly wishes to escape with them to never see her married husband Nergal again.

Valen is always surrounded by people – if it isn’t her theater troupe, it’s her security handmaidens.

304 – The Fūryū Road – Trans Siberia*


Reval Basin Operation – Hector’s Tyrannic Move

Valen was a critical element in Hector’s attempt to take over (or flood over upon failing) Reval Underground, as she and Agnes were the last lines of defence for two critical buildings in the area – the Basin Control Room and the Reval Temple.

The only (known) remaining member of the Rozenbaer family, her position and status of being alive enabled Arkion and EESO to turn the tide against Hector in Reval Underground, helping The Headmaster take control, instead.

Theogenes Atelbaer decided to let Valen stay with them in Osel, suggesting first to Arthur, then to Alexander – who both refused to marry her – and then to Arkion, who agreed to; But soon the Finn Dux Nergal August visited, and their family had had an arrangement with one of Valen’s older sisters to marry him, and now it fell up to her to accept the terms.

Eysin ACE 301 303 - Valen Rozenbaer - a musician and a popstar and socialite from Upper Reval, the only survivor after Hector's massacre in Rozenbaer family


Valen Rozenbaer

– (stage name)


272 February
Upper Reval, The Baltic Kingdom

Guilds and Operations Affiliations

  • RESO – uses their security service
  • The Black Rain – uses their security service
  • EESO – uses their security service
  • Osel Temple Guild – landowner
  • EESO – Reval Basin operation
  • Vegas Madrugada Sea Market Society

Zerk, Weapons & Devices

  • Kaestus


  • Magnetics Novice
  • Vialence